The City of Palmdale has announced its “Season of Service” events for 2018 Gets Underway

Palmdale’s 2018 “Season of Service” Gets Underway with “Hope and Unity Block Party” This Saturday
PALMDALE – The City of Palmdale has announced its “Season of Service” events for 2018, as part of the City’s participation in the “National Day of Service” in recognition of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Jan. 15, 2018.
Kicking things off is the MLK Day of Celebration “Hope and Unity Block Party” sponsored by Advancing Communities Together (ACT). The event will take place this Saturday, Jan. 13 from 11 am to 2:30 pm at ACT’s facility located at 38626 9th St. East. The block party is free and open to the community and will feature games, food, live music and information on available resources.
“The purpose of this community block party is to create an opportunity for neighbors to get together, meet each other and have fun,” said Antelope Valley YouthBuild Program Coordinator Lovell Fleming III. For more information, please call 661/266-8900. The remaining 2018 Season of Service events include:
Antelope Valley Homeless Count - Thursday, Jan. 25, 2018
Community Partner: Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority
Deployment Center One:
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints, 2120 E. Ave. R, Palmdale
Deployment Center Two:
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints, 39546 23rd St. West, Palmdale,
Register at Participate in the annual event to document homeless in our community. Count provides valuable information for funding and program development. Youth must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Spring Cleaning: Airpark Edition - Saturday, Feb. 24
Community Partner: Palmdale Adopt-A-Plane Groups
Registration Location: Joe Davies Heritage Airpark, 2001 East Ave. P, Palmdale
Time: 8 – 8:30 am registration; 8:30 am project begins.
Join our dedicated Adopt-a-Plane groups in preparing the Airpark for another great season of visitors from around the world.
Community Volunteer Resource Fair - Saturday, April 14
Location & Time: TBA
Local agencies will be on hand to provide information about volunteering, donating and engaging opportunities.
Stamp Out Hunger - Saturday, May 12
Community Partner: United States Postal Service
Location: SAVES, 1002 East Avenue Q-12, Palmdale
Time: Varied. Complete list at
Partner with local letter carriers for the 24th Annual Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive. Food assists local families in need.
Stamp Out Hunger---Part 2 - Saturday, May 19 Community Partner: United States Postal Service
Location: SAVES, 1002 East Avenue Q-12, Palmdale
Time: Registration from 8 to 8:30 am. Help SAVES process donations from the Annual Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive for community distribution.
Volunteers under age 16 must be accompanied by an adult. All participants must complete a Release of Liability (available at or at event registration).
Last year, Palmdale residents donated over 35,000 hours of service towards making Palmdale an even better place to live. Residents may also develop their own service projects.
“If you have an idea for a project or you want to participate in something but you’re not quite sure what, give us a call at 661/267-5473 and we can help you identify areas of interest,” Jones added. “Or visit us online at www.”
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