The Lancaster City Council Encourages Residents to take Advantage of Lawn Mower Exchange

The Lancaster City Council encourages the community to participate in the eighth annual Lawn Mower Exchange, taking place on Saturday, May 14 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the City of Lancaster Maintenance Yard, located at 615 W. Avenue H (Corner of 7th Street West and Avenue H). This year, residents will be able to trade in gas-powered leaf blowers and string trimmers for zero-emission electric models. Pre-registered Antelope Valley residents can trade in up to one each of any working gasoline-powered lawn mower, leaf blower and string trimmer to obtain a new cordless, electric, rechargeable, or otherwise zero-emission replacement item (maximum three total items per household). Participant pricing for the new equipment is discounted based on trade-ins and incentives, and is due at the time of registration. Special pricing is limited to the first 100 registered participants (see attached pricing & registration flyer) Click here. “Gasoline-powered lawn equipment, such as lawn mowers and leaf blowers, are leading sources of off-road emissions,” said AVAQMD’s Governing Board Chairman and Lancaster Vice Mayor Marvin Crist. “One gas mower can pollute as much as 40 newer-model vehicles, and only electric lawn equipment offers zero-emissions. Events such as the Lawn Mower Exchange provide additional means for improving the overall sustainability of our community.” Lawn Mower Exchange registration is open through Thursday, May 12. To register, visit or call (866) 646-4652. For more information regarding this event, visit or call (661) 723-8070, ext. 8
Via City of Lancaster Press Release
Photo:Consumer Reports