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City of Palmdale Celebrates “Ordinary People Making Extraordinary Efforts” at Volunteer Appreciation

AV Daily News

PALMDALE - The City of Palmdale honored its volunteers on Thursday, April 14 at the Annual Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon held at the Chimbole Cultural Center.

The event was themed Ordinary People---Extraordinary Efforts” and remarks were made by Palmdale Mayor Jim Ledford and Palmdale City Manager Jim Purtee.

“This theme really hits at the heart of your efforts, citizens stepping forward and giving of themselves to accomplish extraordinary things,” Ledford said. “Here in Palmdale our volunteers are top notch. You work side by side with staff to make our programs exceptional.”

In addition to a lunch catered by Gino’s Italian Restaurant in Palmdale, volunteers were presented with a certificate of appreciation and a commemorative pin.

The City of Palmdale has over 275 volunteers on record, donating time in City programs that include the sports and equestrian programs, Legacy Commons, Palmdale Playhouse, South Antelope Valley Emergency Services (SAVES), Neighborhood Services, Adopt-a-Wall, Palmdale City Library, Joe Davies Heritage Airpark and various City offices. Combined with volunteers at the City’s community events and programs such as the Season of Service events, volunteers contributed 53,477 hours of service in FY 2014-2015, which according to the Independent Sector adds up to $1,436,932 worth of service to the City.

“We can’t thank enough those in our community who continue to make a positive difference,” said Community Programs Coordinator Trish Jones.

“The more people become engaged in their City, the better off we all are.”

“If you’re looking for a way to get engaged in your community, please call 661/ 267-5473, or visit for announcements of volunteer opportunities, service days, community presentations and events,” Jones said.

Photo: Mayor James Ledford, Councilmembers Roxana Martinez, Fred Thompson


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