California DMV Offers Veteran Designation on Driver Licenses, ID Cards.

Eligible veterans have the opportunity to add the word “VETERAN” to the front of their DL/ID card to indicate that they have served in the U.S. Military. It can also play a critical role in enabling access to certain privileges, benefits, or compensation associated with being a veteran without having to carry and produce a Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty.
“California’s new driver license and identification card program honors and recognizes the military service of our veterans,” said CalVet Secretary Dr. Vito Imbasciani.
The program is the result of Assembly Bill 935, authored by Assemblymember Jim Frazier.
To apply for the veteran designation on your DL/ID card, you will need to:
Obtain a Veteran Status Verification Form (VSD-001) which will be issued by the County Veteran Service Office. This form is not available from DMV.
Bring the completed VSD-001 to a DMV field office. For faster service, make sure to make an appointment to visit a DMV field office.
Complete and pay the application fee for the Driver License or Identification Card Application/Commercial Driver License Application (DL 44/44C). Pay an additional $5 fee to add the veteran designation to your DL/ID card.
Once all requirements have been met, a DL/ID card with the word "VETERAN" will be issued.
The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) collaborates with the California Department of Veterans Affairs (CalVet) to offer veterans of the United States (U.S.) Military the opportunity to request benefit information. Veterans can request benefit information whenever they submit to the DMV a Driver License or Identification Card Application, Commercial Driver License Application form or when renewing their driver license or identification (DL/ID) card online by checking the "Yes" box when asked if they would like to receive veteran benefit information. As a result, the DMV will forward the contact information to CalVet to provide benefit information to the requesting veteran.