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City of Palmdale Begins Avenue S Widening Phase II Project

AV Daily News

PALMDALE – The City of Palmdale has begun road construction work to widen Avenue S between 30th St. East to 45th St. East and is expected to continue through December 2016.

The project, Avenue S Widening Phase II (Capital Improvement Project 590), was awarded to the R.C. Becker & Son, Inc., of Santa Clarita at the Palmdale City Council meeting on December 2, 2015.

The Avenue S Widening Phase II Improvements will provide 3 lanes in each direction from 30th Street East to 45th Street East and construct a Class I Bikeway on the south side of Avenue S for the full length of the project. The improvements will also include traffic signals, road widening, raised medians, signing & striping, street lights, minor drainage improvements, landscaping, and other right of way improvements.

During the course of construction, delays along Avenue S from 30th Street East to 45th Street East will occur from mid-March through December 2016.

The cost of the project is $11.1 million and is funded from the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transit Authority (Metro) and City of Palmdale local funds.

For any questions regarding the construction of the project, please contact R.C. Becker & Son, at 661/259-4845.

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