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YOLO Lancaster is back for its second year

AV Daily News

YOLO Lancaster is back for its second year and everyone is invited to join! Teens 13-17 can now get in on the action (with parent's permission).

Teens have a chance to win a grand prize of a MacBook and $500, other category winners will receive gift cards, exercise equipment, and more! Put that Netflix binge on hold and become a part of#YOLOLancaster!

You Only Live Once, Lancaster!

Let’s face it, we all have some bad habits we’d like to change, but many of us are seldom motivated enough to replace our poor choices with better ones.

Well, let’s see if a $5,000 grand prize can’t get you motivated to get up and get moving. This is the top prize in a new, yearlong competition designed to help Antelope Valley residents eat right, stay active and live well.

The YOLO Lancaster Wellness PACT is open to all local adults and rewards you for making healthy choices in your daily life. Choose a salad instead of a burger for lunch. You’ll earn points for eating right. Spend some time at the gym. Rack up even more point. Pick up some fresh vegetables for dinner at the farmers market, and you’ll soon see how fast these rewards can add up. We’ll even reward you for visiting your doctor regularly, attending parenting classes or getting help to lower your blood pressure.

Joining the program is quick and easy. Simply click here or call 661-425-9050 to sign up. You’ll be instantly issued your own membership card and be invited to a quick assessment at Antelope Valley Partners for Health (AVPH), the chief organizer of YOLO Lancaster. The AVPH staff will go over your vital signs and discuss your overall objectives. Then you’ll be on your way toward earning rewards and valuable prizes as you adopt healthier habits.

Dozens of community minded partners are participating in the Wellness PACT, including local gyms, restaurants, farmers markets and more. You’ll find the complete list of Partners here.

Each time you partake in a YOLO activity, you’ll receive a rewards coupon, which can be redeemed online or by phone. Participation earns you points. Accumulate points and exchange them for prizes.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up now! Start earning points and learn to eat right, stay active and live well with YOLO Lancaster.

Official contest rules and additional details can be found at


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