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AV Daily News
Antelope Valley

Mayor Marsha McLean and other City Council members joined to thank the entire station including depu
Santa Clarita, City Council held a conference to thank #LASD Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff's Station for the lowest on record crime rates...

Antelope Valley Partners For Health, (AVPH) Partners With VITA To Prepare Taxes For Free To Those Wh
In Lancaster and Palmdale, along with Antelope Valley Partners For Health, two VITA program sites are available to help Antelope Valley...

Metro invites you to a Public Hearing to explore unmet public transportation needs in the Antelope V
Metro invites you to a Public Hearing to explore unmet public transportation needs in your area, they courage all residents and riders to...

City of Lancaster Weekly Road Closures through March 3, 2019
In an effort to improve our neighborhoods and city streets, the City of Lancaster conducts a variety of road construction projects which...

CalFresh benefits for March will be issued on March 1, 2019.
Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) announced that the full amount of CalFresh benefits for March will be...

Examine the Relationship between Humankind and the Animal Kingdom with MOAH’s Peace on Earth Exhibit
Examine the Relationship between Humankind and the Animal Kingdom with MOAH’s Peace on Earth Exhibition The Museum of Art and History and...

Part I Crime Rate Drops 9.35 Percent in the City Of Palmdale in 2018
2018 Crime Rate Finishes at a Decades Low 192 PALMDALE – The City of Palmdale and Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD) Palmdale...

Workers’ Compensation Doctor Convicted of Billing Fraud in LA County.
A workers’ compensation doctor has pleaded guilty to two felony counts of billing fraud for selling marked-up goods to his practice from...

A woman was sentenced to 15 years in state prison for defrauding dozens of people in an immigration
A 49-year-old Montebello a was sentenced today to 15 years in state prison for defrauding dozens of people in an immigration services...

FDA takes action against 17 companies for illegally selling products claiming to treat Alzheimer’s d
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today posted 12 warning letters and 5 online advisory letters issued to foreign and domestic...
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