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Coffee with a Deputy + Holiday Canned Food Drive, Thursday, November 8th, 2018
Coffee with a Deputy + Holiday Canned Food Drive, Thursday, November 8th, 2018 at Crazy Otto's from 8am-10am! Join us for our monthly...

Detectives need public’s help identifying 2 suspects wanted for aggravated assault
The Detectives need your help identifying the two men pictured in the bulletin, who were involved in a recent aggravated assault in the...

Happy Halloween, Safety Tips from Palmdale Sheriff's Station
Halloween can be such a fun and exciting night, however according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) due to increased foot traffic...

Homicide Detectives Responded to a Death Investigation in Palmdale
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Homicide Bureau Detectives are investigating the death of a female white adult, who was located...

Get ready, as Lancaster Sheriff's Station invites you to a weekend of fun & support for the
Lancaster Sheriff's Station invites you to a fun weekend in support of the Special Olympics! First, on Friday, November 2nd, 2018 from...

WANTED Jesus "Chuy" Guzman Person of Interest - Human Remains Found in the Un-incorporated
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Homicide Bureau Detectives are continuing to investigate the circumstances surrounding found...

Homicide Detectives Have Found the Remains of 3 Individuals at Unincorporated area of LIttlerock
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Homicide Bureau Detectives are continuing to investigate the circumstances surrounding found...

Palmdale Sheriffs Station is excited to announce the 3rd annual Trunk or Treat and Car Show
Sunday, October 28th, 2018 from 10am - 2pm It will be held in the Antelope Valley Boys and Girls Club parking lot. 815 East Ave Q-6,...

Hispanic Heritage Essay Contest Ceremony
In celebration of Hispanic Heritage month which honors the impact the Hispanic culture has made throughout our Nation’s history; Palmdale...

Lancaster Sheriff’s Station investigating incident at local high school, aware of video circulating
Lancaster Sheriff’s Station is aware of a video circulating social media involving an incident that occurred at one of our local high...
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