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AV Daily News
Antelope Valley

Lancaster Station & Community Advisory Committee to present AV Monitoring Team's 6 month re
Lancaster Station & CAC to present AV Monitoring Team's 6month report @council meeting: Lake LA, Tue. Nov. 27th @7pm Safe communities are...

2018 American Indian Celebration Comes to a Close
Lake Los Angeles – Antelope Valley Indian Museum – 2018 American Indian Celebration was a huge success with record-breaking attendance...

Got Your Mail-In Ballot? Drop Boxes Now Open 150 Locations Throughout L.A County Before Election Day
Mail ballot voters have options when it comes to casting their ballots for the November 6th, 2018 Election. They can send in their ballot...

WANTED Jesus "Chuy" Guzman Person of Interest - Human Remains Found in the Un-incorporated
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Homicide Bureau Detectives are continuing to investigate the circumstances surrounding found...

Halloween is almost here! Lancaster Station offers safety tips to ensure a safe night for all your b
We are only a few weeks away from Halloween! Are you and your little ones ready to go? Lancaster Sheriff's Station would like to share...

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – With more than 1.4 million Californians licensed to ride motorcycles, the California Highway Patrol (CHP) looks for...

Annual American Indian Celebration On October 20 & 21, 2018
LANCASTER, Calif. – The Antelope Valley Indian Museum State Historic Park will host once again the annual American Indian Celebration on...

PAD in the winter?
Lake Los Angeles – Sorensen Park – YES! PAD is coming back to our Park for a winter session. The dates are Thursday, December 20 through...

FDA launches new, comprehensive campaign to warn kids about the dangers of e-cigarette use as part o
In the latest of a series of actions to address the epidemic of youth e-cigarette use, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration today...

L.A. supervisors seek to limit roosters in unincorporated areas.
Los Angeles – County Board of Supervisors – In a letter dated September 25, 2018 and addressed to The Honorable Board of Supervisors,...
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