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AV Daily News
Antelope Valley

All Fireworks Prohibited in Unincorporated Los Angeles County
The County of Los Angeles Fire Code, Title 32, Section 5601.3 states that it is illegal to store, manufacture, sell, use, or handle ALL...

FDA approves the first drug comprised of an active ingredient derived from marijuana for treatment o
Over the past decade, we’ve seen a growing interest in the development of therapies derived from marijuana and its components. Proponents...

Supervisor Kathryn Barger is concerned about the increase of illegal dumping in the Antelope Valley.
Barger calls for action on illegal dumping LOS ANGELES COUNTY – Concerned about the escalation of illegal dumping in the Antelope Valley,...

Fewer U.S. High School Students Having Sex, Using Drugs
The 2017 National Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) paints a promising picture about the drug and sexual behaviors U.S. high school...

Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Kellogg’s Honey Smacks Cereal. Recall and Advice to Consumers and Reta
CDC, public health and regulatory officials in several states, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration are investigating a multistate...

Youth tobacco use drops during 2011-2017
Fewer U.S. middle and high school students are using tobacco products – but too many still do, according to a new survey published by the...

Ramp-Up in Antarctic Ice Loss Speeds Sea Level Rise
Ice losses from Antarctica have tripled since 2012, increasing global sea levels by 0.12 inch (3 millimeters) in that timeframe alone,...

Participate in World’s Largest Swim Lesson, Get Free Pass to DryTown
PALMDALE – The City of Palmdale’s recreation & culture department’s aquatics division is joining forces with the nation's top water...

NASA Flies Large Unmanned Aircraft in Public Airspace Without Chase Plane for First Time
NASA’s remotely-piloted Ikhana aircraft, based at the agency’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California, successfully flew...

InSite Development Breaks Ground in Lancaster for Kensington Campus Facility to Reduce Homelessness
New Campus Part of Lancaster Community Homelessness Plan This morning, the City of Lancaster hosted the ground breaking ceremony for...
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